Zoombie -/ˈzooʃuuummmb(e)e/
A dead (figuratively) zoom person. A zoombie is a person who is on a zoom call to increase participants count. Basically a black square on your video calls.
When you're starting out it might be difficult to get enough people to your sessions, with Zoombie you can tackle your Poor Attendance problem.
Ah, the awkward silence. Remember the times you ask a question as a teacher/ facilitator / coach and no response?
Word of Mouth in the Digital world is through global patrons.
Make money by sitting in on random zoom calls
Attend Zoom calls around the world and make friend!
Who knows you might stumble on to a nice zoom call and learn something. Serendipity is a great teacher.
Zoombies as a Service
Zoombies who are zombies
A little evolved zoombies who can text and talk
A little more evolved zoombies who can text, talk and be presentable on video